by Dave Williams | Jan 4, 2018 | Driving Lessons Torquay, Local Test Passes, Test Passes Torquay |
Congratulations to Scott Kendall of Torquay who had a great 1st time pass on the 29th of December 2017 with only 3 minor faults. Scott had to overcome a last minute change in the car he took to test, due to a mechanical fault. He now looks forward to going to work and...
by Dave Williams | Dec 22, 2017 | Driving Lessons Torquay, Local Test Passes, Test Passes Torquay |
Yoanis Tsankov passes his Driving Test Congratulations to Yoanis Tsankov from Torquay who passed his practical driving test on the 22nd December, he drove like a true expert making just one very silly minor fault. Yoanis is at Portsmouth university studying to be a...
by Dave Williams | Dec 22, 2017 | Driving Lessons Torquay, Local Test Passes, Test Passes Torquay |
Becca passed her test.. Congratulations to Becca Thompson who passed her driving test on the 22nd December at her 1st attempt with a few minor faults. She’s so pleased to pass as she can now transport her 3 children around in her new car and not rely on public...
by Dave Williams | Dec 21, 2017 | Driving Lessons Torquay, Local Test Passes, Test Passes Torquay |
Kayleigh Darke Driving Test Pass. Kayleigh Darke from Torquay passed her practical driving test on the December 20th with only 4 minor driving faults. Now Kayleigh can drive she will have the freedom to go around and also take friends to her favourite sushi place in...
by Dave Williams | Dec 21, 2017 | Driving Lessons Torquay, Local Test Passes, Test Passes Torquay |
Jodie Grove passes her Driving Test Well done to Jodie Grove from Torquay who passed her practical driving test on the 20th December, Jodie drove really well passing FIRST time with just 3 very minor driving faults. Having a driving licence will be a massive help for...
by Dave Williams | Dec 14, 2017 | Driving Lessons Torquay, Local Test Passes, Locations, Test Passes Torquay |
Driving Crash Course Torquay Well done to Ryan Gazey from Torquay who passed his practical driving test on December 14th with only 3 minor driving faults. Ryan is doing an apprenticeship as a carpenter so being able to drive will make it easily to get to places,...