What is a Driving School?

Driving Schools offer several advantages over solo driving instructors. Advantages include variety and types of services offered to their customers. For example, non-UK resident or foreign students who are relocating to the UK might need a refresher course which can easily be provided by a driving school.

A solo driving instructor might not be able to offer that service to his customers. Similarly, a driving school might be able to provide more advanced training or even a more varied level of instructor.  Advanced training might include subjects such as motorway driving for instance. Another opportunity for a driving school might also be to offer a choice between male or female instructors.

Something that a solo instructor obviously will not be able to do.

Day-to-day running of the business can also be very much different between a solo instructor and a driving school. For example, driving schools will have support staff behind them which will enable an instructor to concentrate solely on teaching students to drive.

Support staff will be responsible for phone calls, taking bookings, promotions and obtaining payments. Driving schools will also operate their own procedures. This insures all instructors are working the same way.

Choosing the right driving School can be made easier by referring to the school driving school website. Most driving schools will have their own website. A section of the site will be for reviews. The Review System became popular a few years ago thanks to corporate websites such as Amazon and eBay.

The Review Section can be found on most websites allowing previous customers to leave feedback on services. When researching driving schools, it is important to consider the number of comments left on feedback systems such as reviews sections. For instance, a few comments can indicate either a new website or it could mean the business hasn’t been going very long or indeed it could mean that the business is not very good.

So clearly, it’s important to realise that only a small number of comments cannot really give the necessary feedback we need. Always carry out your own research in addition to checking reviews. Ironically when a review system has a high volume of comments left it is fair to say you can receive a fair opinion of the business and how they operate.

As we all have different requirements when we are in need of a driving instructor it is important to vary your research when choosing your own instructor. Consider what is important to you, make a note with a paper & pen of all the things that you might find important. Such things might be a more patient instructor, maybe you prefer a female driver, or maybe you have language requirements.

It is important to consider everything & carry out your own kind of research & not simply rely on review systems or social media comments. These systems can only provide you with as much information pertaining to the people who left the comments. You need to do your own research to ensure instructors are suitable for your needs too.

Driving Schools in Newton Abbot.