Williams driving school Privacy Policy

Williams driving school Privacy Policy/ GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) rules.

The personal and sensitive personal data of customers is stored only if required, once a pupil has booked with an instructor all details will be disposed of securely.

There is no saving of unnecessary data, and all recorded data is subject to the Williams Driving School Privacy Policy. See Below

All our customers data collect by the driving school owner (Dave Williams) is removed when the customer ceases to use Williams Driving School.

All franchised instructors are self-employed and subject separately to the GDPR law, as the driving school owner Dave Williams i have given them details of the new GDPR law and how it could affect them.


This privacy policy explains how we use personal and sensitive personal data we collect about you when you contact Williams Driving school by phone or email

What information do we collect about you?

We only collect the data necessary to provide the driving lessons.  information is collected from the pupil who makes the initial enquiries and is disposed securely once not required.

Storage of personal information

All data of customers is held by the instructor. All online payments are done via First Data bank. Williams driving school do not get any sensitive data regarding customer payments.


We would like to bring to your attention that I would like to use the Pass Photo taken by your instructor for marketing purposes on social media and my website, if you are not happy with me doing this please send an email address telling me so. williamsdrivingschool@virginmedia.com


Changes to our Privacy Policy

We keep our privacy policy under review and we will place any updates on this web site.  This Privacy Policy was last updated 22/05/2018

How to contact us

Please contact us if you have any questions about GDPR or our Privacy Policy or information we hold about you.  Dave at williamsdrivingschool@virginmedia.com