
Congratulations to our local students who now have the freedom of the road.

We are delighted that the following learner drivers, who are all from the Teignmouth area have now completed the learner syllabus and are now proud owners of full driving licences.

“I chose Williams Driving School as I had started my lessons previously then stopped so I wanted to find someone who I could really get on with and was very calm.

I chose Kate Masters and I couldn’t have asked for a better instructor, she made driving so easy and was so easy to get on with, always up for a laugh!

I found learning to drive so easy because of my instructor!

I would recommend Williams Driving School to anyone who wants someone who makes driving so easy!”

Leah Randall, Teignmouth

Congratulations to Alick Sondra of Teignmouth who passed his practical driving test 1st time on the 8th of June in Newton Abbot.

Once Alick gets a car he’ll be able to visit his friends in Cullompton. It also means that he’ll stay warm and dry on the way to work instead of having to ride his bike. He didn’t quite get a lesson on a motorway as a learner so will be having one in a couple of weeks.

Best wishes from your driving instructor Claire Hancock and all the team here at Williams Driving School.

Congratulations to Shauna Heal of Teignmouth who passed her practical driving test on the 19th of July at her 1st attempt and with only 2 driver faults.

As Shauna goes to College in Exeter passing today will make her daily commutes easier and quicker.

Enjoy the freedom a full licence brings and stay safe on the roads.

Best wishes from your driving instructor Michael Adkins and all the team here at Williams Driving School.

Whopping congratulations to Jo Baldwin from Teignmouth who on the 14th of September passed her practical driving test at Newton Abbot Driving Test Centre on her 1st attempt with only 2 minor driving faults.

Jo did a fantastic job and kept her eyes moving and did what was required to pass.

Jo told her instructor Guy Parfitt that “Better late then never, now I’ll be a taxi driver to my teenage son..”

Good luck out on the road and remember give me a wave then you see me. Safe driving

Best wishes from your driving instructor Guy Parfitt and all the customer service team here at Williams Driving School.

A big WELL DONE to Shelley Clatworthy from Teignmouth who passed her practical driving test at her 1st attempt on the 20th of September. Shelly overcame her nerves to pass just 3 minor faults.

Her husband will now have to buy her a car so she can take her daughter out and about. Having a licence will also help with her new job as a home carer and she won’t have to keep catching the bus.

Congratulations from your driving instructor Claire Hancock and safe driving from all the team here at Williams Driving School.

Well done to Aimee Scott from Teignmouth who passed her practical driving test on the 18th of January. Aimee passed 1st time at the Newton Abbot Test Centre.

Aimee’s very happy as now she’ll be able to get herself to hockey and won’t have to reply on her parents to get her there.

Best wishes and safe driving from your Driving Instructor Claire Hancock and the whole team here at Williams Driving School.

Driving Lessons Teignmouth

Read more test passes and reviews