Driving Tuition.

A recent review by an online money saving website claims just 26% of learner drivers booked their lessons with professional driving instructors for the vast majority of their driving lessons.
The primary reason given in the survey by more than 2,000 recently qualified drivers was that expert driving instructors were considered to be too costly and around 46% of those same people surveyed suggested they used family or friends to help them to learn to drive.
The results are perhaps not that surprising given the website is a money saving site but the question we need to ask is did those surveyed actually save any money?
When you take the figures that we already know from the DVSA regarding the overall test pass rate across the whole of the UK currently standing at 47.2% we can maybe not be too surprised results are so low given the results of the first survey.
It’s always a preferred method to have driving lessons with an expert teacher and afterwards supplementing with additional practice with family or friends and that is what will truly save you money.
The best strategy is to take the initial 10 hours with a professional instructor and ensure the basics are set up. The earlier lessons are essential to cement the right approach to the driving syllabus.
Having an instructor who completes a lesson report at the end of each driving lesson specifying how you have performed in the lessons will be priceless. This report would then be able to be made accessible to your friends & family when you practice so they can be aware of what you need to practice.
Having the ability to be able to look back at what you have learned throughout your driving lessons can show you where you are in the driving syllabus & how long you have left before your instructor will be ready to put you forward for your test.
A high extent of driving lessons are not covering new skills but rather repeated practice on skills already covered in past lessons. Practice in between professional lessons with suitable friends or family can assist with the things you find more difficult so you are in a position to cover new skills more often in your instructor lessons.
What number of Driving Lessons are Required?
This is a standout question many people want to know the answer too but unfortunately there is no definitive answer. Everyone has different learning levels and some will be able to learn new skills quicker than other people. The quicker we are able to learn the fewer number of lessons we require.
Driving Organizations suggest that most people will need around 47 hours of professional lessons with a qualified driving instructor and a further 20 hours of private practice with family or friends.
This is basically a guide and you may require significantly more or far less. People will learn at a different pace but one thing is essential and that will be the driving lessons should be with a professional instructor & that is likely to truly save you money.